
Monday, 17 June 2013


You are not alone..I spoke with Kemmy today about doubts and its impact on living our dreams.
I thought to share what we arrived at…have a read, it might just help!
90% of successful people you know today had doubts at some point because doubts are just an inevitable part of life. The difference maker is that they acted in spite of these doubts.

First, what are doubts?....Simply put, Doubts are a status between belief and disbelief, involves uncertainty or distrust or lack of sureness of an alleged fact. It is the state in which your mind remains suspended between two contradictory propositions and unable to assent to either of them

How do you overcome doubts?”

1 Tell yourself, “If I don’t try then I’ll never know. Don’t doubt yourself. You are a perfect example of talent and beauty.” ~Annie Pryatel
2. Your abilities will always outweigh your doubts. The moment when you think you can’t is the moment that you actually can.” ~Lissa Rae
3. The moment you feel it creeping in, it’s time to act. Get involved and let experience prove you wrong. ~Hector Peguero
4. Ask where the doubt stems from. Is it your intuitive self or your fearful self? Ask that question and listen to the very first thought that comes into your head. Believe that one. ~Wendy Chadwick
5. Ask yourself, “What will happen if I doubt this doubt?” ~Gareth Stubbs
6. What’s the worst that could happen if you do what you feel doubtful about? Is that something you can deal with? Then do it! Most of our worries are a waste of time. What will happen, will happen. ~Kate Roselund
7. Realize that doubts are fear, and fear is: Forgetting Everything’s All Right. ~Sherri Levy
8. The doubtful vibe that you send out into the universe will only create more doubt. Refocus and believe. ~Tiffany Helton
9. Notice that a doubt is just a thought and don’t believe in it. ~Rami Liesaho
10. See doubt as a means to improve yourself. Break through the barrier of doubt to better yourself. ~Deepak Soowamber
11. You have to walk through them, and it sometimes turns out your doubts were well-founded. You aren’t guaranteed a “good” outcome but there is treasure even in a “bad” outcome if you know how to look. ~Alyson Irvin



  1. Rily inspiring,wish we could all wake up from our doubt and feears!!!!

  2. Doubts have kept almost every one down for so long. Time to stop killing one another, lets shoot doubts
