
Monday, 17 June 2013

Still Unsuccessful? Maybe You Should Try This

A number of people tell me their story, about all of the things they wish to do and some of the things that they have tried and then ask me “why am I still not successful?” Well I have the answer right here for you: 
You Must Raise Your Standards!
A higher standard is a higher expectation of yourself. It is the only way to permanently create an everlasting change in your self-development.
You have to be 100% certain, there MUST NOT be “I should” or “I would, If I could” you MUST have certainty and you need to start using stronger words, even when you are thinking to yourself about where you want to be. The power of the voice in your head that you create is stronger and more influential than you think. You need to re-enforce the confidence that you need to reach that next level of success.
Remember:  What you imagine (see in your mind's eye) is what you hope for (expect to have) and what you expect daily, is what your inner drive (faith) can only bring to reality. Are you willing to get a little uncomfortable? Ask yourself that honest question. Do you really deserve success? Do you see success? Because I know that anything worth having is worth fighting for, and if you don’t absolutely want it enough then you wont get it, it’s as simple as that. The resources, the people, the opportunity to learn through experience is all there, you just have to find a way to get it, and that ultimately comes down to the question of “How bad do you really want it?” YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO EXECUTE, no matter what the cost is.


  1. I just raised my standards #smile# nd i wuld keep rasing them!!!!!

  2. I can completely resonate with this thought. Some people will rather give in than raise their standards when they fail. I am not an advocate of stagnation,if one level is not working for me, rather than lower it i learn that level and further increase the stakes. Its called moving onto greater heights
