
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Female sex education teacher charged with raping 14-year-old boy, sends ‘TOPLESS AND NAKED’ photos to him (PICTURED)

Charged: Former sex-ed teacher Rachelle Gendron, 27, was arraigned in court Friday on charges that she raped a 14-year-old student
A sex education teacher has been accused of raping a 14-year-old student from her school.
Rachelle Gendron is also alleged to have sent the teen photos of herself naked and topless during their affair.

Prosecutors said the 27 year old sent dozens of text messages during the course of the affair which began last October.

Gendron looked visibly shaken and close to tears as she was arraigned on five rape charges aggravated by the age difference.

She later openly wept in the courtroom watched by her mother as she was granted bail.
Gendron was also charged with enticement of a child under the age of 16.

Prosecutors told Worcester Superior Court they have strong evidence to support the charges.

‘We have in our possession a number of text messages, as well of photos of Ms. Gendron in various states of undress with genitals and breasts exposed from the victim’s cellphone, that support the allegations against her,’ said Assistant District Attorney Cheryl Riddle.
Gendron worked as a health and sex education teacher at North Central Charter Essential School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts.

She was fired from her job after being arrested on the sex crime charges.

1 comment:

  1. How come this is not seen as a case of sexual preference/orientation? What if she was "born that way"? Any form of sexual perversion is wrong. Be it pedophilia, bestiality, sodomy or homosexuality. We can't justify one and condemn the others
