Problem's getting pregnant? In my usual nature of surfing the net, i stumbled on this article written by professionals or experts if u like, looking to help cater to the needs of women who find it difficult getting pregnant. I hope this helps....Read On!
Woman looking at negative pregnancy test,even if you're
highly attuned to every fluctuation in your body's menstrual cycle and are
having sex a couple of times a week, it may still take a while to get pregnant.
Try not to panic because this is normal.
There are factors that can contribute to problems getting
Irregular periods
Hormones regulate your menstrual cycles so any hormonal
imbalances can make your periods irregular. This has nothing to do with the
length of your cycle (some mums on Mumsnet have reported 50-day cycles).
Irregular periods can mean ovulation isn't taking place every month (known
medically as anovulation).
Medical conditions
Polycystic ovary syndrome, Hughes syndrome, thyroid
disorders, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and blocked
fallopian tubes (often caused by chlamydia) are some of the disorders that mean
you may have problems getting pregnant.
Sometimes fertilisation takes place but the egg doesn't
implant securely in the womb lining and is lost in the next period. This can be
linked to the length of your luteal phase.
The older you get, the slimmer your chances of getting
pregnant (about the only thing that gets slimmer as you get older). That said,
many women over 35 have healthy pregnancies and babies.
The quality and quantity of your partner's sperm can affect
your chances of getting pregnant. Sperm production can be affected by untreated
sexually transmitted infections, excessive heat (such as hot baths), smoking,
drinking and taking drugs, mumps and injuries to the testicles.
But sometimes the reason why there aren't enough healthy
sperm for conception can't be found.
When to see your GP
about problems getting pregnant
If you've been having regular, unprotected sex and you're
still not getting pregnant, there may (only may) be a problem your GP or a
fertility clinic can diagnose and treat.
15-20% of infertility cases have no obvious cause and are
classed as unexplained infertility. Don't despair: even if this is your
diagnosis it doesn't necessarily mean you'll never get pregnant, particularly
if you've only been trying for a year or so.
Many doctors prefer you to have been having sex without
contraception for at least a year, several times a week, before referring you
for fertility tests. But if you've already been diagnosed with something like
endometriosis and you're over 35, your GP may refer after six months.
Your GP will probably examine your pelvis to check for
tenderness, which can be a sign of endometriosis or PID.
He or she will also probably recommend a blood test to check
your hormone levels.
Your GP may then refer you for further tests and procedures,
such as:
Pelvic ultrasound - this uses high-frequency sound waves to
create an image of your womb and ovaries
Progesterone test - to check you're ovulating
Chlamydia test - if it's positive, chlamydia can be treated
with antibiotics
Thyroid function test - it's estimated up to 5% of women
experiencing problems conceiving have an abnormal thyroid
Hysterosalpingogram - a type of X-ray of your fallopian
tubes, to check for blockages
Laparoscopy - a thin microscope is inserted under your skin
to look more closely at your womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes
Dye test - dye is injected through the cervix and then the
person doing the procedure uses a laparascope to see whether there are any
The tests you'll be offered will depend on your medical
history, for example whether you know you've had chlamydia or endometriosis.
What men are tested
The GP will test the quality and quantity of your BD
partner's sperm. About one in ten men has an abnormal result, so the test is
usually repeated. About two in 100 men will have a second abnormal test.
The medical language to do with fertility and infertility
treatments is hard to pronounce and pretty difficult to understand. For
example, if you hear 'oligozoospermia', the doctor's talking about low sperm
Other things that may need to be ruled out for men are
hormone disorders and plumbing problems ie blockages in the testicles or
problems ejaculating.
What Mumsnetters say
about problems getting pregnant
Make sure your GP knows that you are trying to conceive if
you have thyroid problems, even minimal ones, as it affects your treatment. duchesse
It is better to have a long luteal phase. If it's less than
10 days, that may not be enough time for the egg to implant in your uterus.
12-14 days is the norm, and anything 11 days or over should be absolutely fine.
My top tip is to lie to the GP about how long you've been
trying to conceive. Get your foot in the door for any investigations sooner
rather than later. Marina
It's incredibly frustrating even when you are in the system,
as things cannot go quickly enough. Every month is an ovulation that has been
and gone, and an opportunity that has gone forever. MrsTittleMouse
If you have a blood test done ensure that both your LH
(luteinising hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulation hormone) are compared against
one another. Ideally, these two levels should be the same but if your level of
LH is higher than that of FSH this is one possible indicator of polycystic
ovaries. I would ask your GP to refer you to a gynaecologist at a subfertility
unit as a matter of course. AttilaTheMeerkat
I would prompt anyone suffering from failure to conceive to
get themselves to the GP asap - or, if they have the funds, go to a private
clinic where they can do all the tests the NHS do in a fraction of the time. It
may be that there isn't anything wrong with either partner, and it will just
take more time than your super-fertile friends do to get pregnant - but if
anything is actually wrong with either of you, all the sex in the world on the
right days isn't going to make a blind bit of difference. Best to know this,
really. And if all the tests come back fine, then not to worry - and if they
don't then at least you know where you are and can plan accordingly. Onlyaphase
Top 10 things
Mumsnetters wished they'd known before trying to conceive
One thing that really helped me emotionally was to take
control of things myself. Rather than wait for medical things to be 'done' to
me, I/we made some choices and made huge lifestyle changes. We were determined
that if we were going to have IVF, we would make sure we were in the best
physical state possible. Littlefish
I would really recommend buying a fertility monitor to
anyone who has irregular cycles - it gives you a better indication of when you
may be ovulating and what is going on with your cycles. Well worth the money
just to help plot your cycle. Bluebutterfly
I was surprised that various tests could be done at the GPs
(ie bloods etc) rather than the hospital and that he could prescribe Clomid
without the consultant intervening. If I had known this before, it could have
saved us a lot of time. DonDons
Acupuncture really helps - it worked for us not only in
terms of conceiving but also as a way of dealing with some of the stress of
trying to conceive. Puddlet
I'd say the most important thing is to make sure that you
hang on to your relationship. Infertility is so incredibly stressful and it
seems to eat into every aspect of your life. It's so easy to take it out on
each other and forget that you're a team pulling in the same direction. MrsTittleMouse
It really helps to talk to virtual people who are going
through the same thing. Unless your friends are having trouble conceiving too,
they just won't understand, and will do insensitive things like sending you an
email at work to announce that they are pregnant again, cos, 'whoops, the pill
doesn't always work', when you've spent two years TTC. cmotdibbler
If you have problems getting pregnant make sure you know
what's normal/not normal and what tests need to be performed, as an uninformed
GP can delay the process of seeking help and cause further delays. pinkmook
Give very careful consideration to whom you want to tell
that you are trying to conceive or that you are having problems. Even the most
well-meaning people can come out with very ill-considered and hurtful comments.
Make sure your partner tells you about good friends'
pregnancies when you're at home alone, not when you're out in a pub. I cried
over every pregnancy I heard about, no matter how much I liked the people
concerned. I was so torn - pleased for them, and devastated for me. Littlefish
Don't have sex 'just' to get pregnant, it undermines
everything. ditheringdora
Read more here Mums net
The baby settles further down the mother's pelvis and it is still growing and moving but has
ReplyDeleteless room to move about. On the other hand, it seems that monozygotic or
identical twinning is not influenced by a hereditary factor.
By putting a a cushion beneath her bottom, the girl can lean her cervix and aid the sperm get to in which it requirements to
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